Knowledgebase: RBS Client
RBackup Endpoint - Custom Registry Options

Rbackup Endpoint Registry Settings 

Three special files compose the bulk of your Endpoint's customized installation. 1) backup.mdb, 2) rbackup.ini and 3) rbackup.reg.

This document covers the makeup and usage of the rbackup.reg (registry file).

The rbackup.reg file carries entries that are installed into the Endpoint's Windows Registry when the Client Setup program is run. rbackup.reg and other reg files may be run outside of Remote Backup by double-clicking them. This causes the entries in the .reg file to be merged with (adding or replacing) existing registry entries.

Editing the rbackup.reg file:

What's a .reg file?

A .REG file is a simple text file containing registry entries that can be added to the registry by double clicking it or by right clicking and selecting merge as shown below.

When you merge a .reg file, you are adding the settings in the reg file to the specified branches, known as 'hives' in the registry. There is no reason, in most cases, for you to merge a REG file manually. The installation Setup program for the client will merge the entries in your customizable rbackup.reg file into the client registry when the software is installed. Editing rbackup.reg file

You can select Edit to change the entries in a .REG file using Notepad. Exercise caution when changing any registry setting.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quantum Tech, Inc.\Remote Backup\Settings]

FW = 0  Firewall Settings if distributed in Enterprise environment "FWHost"="" "FWLogin"="" "FWPass"="" "FWPort"="0"

UsePassive = True  Initial setting of Passive or Active mode for Endpoint login and transfer to the server. Endpoints behind routers usually require passive mode. (Recommended: True)

QueueLimit = 250   Overrides default number of files transferred at a time. The default value is 250. (Accepted Range: 1-10000)

Custom Sub-menu option under Help Menu: "ProURLCaption" is the caption on the menu. "ProURL" is the website address that opens up when the select the menu option.

ProURL = - Website address for your Help Menu

ProURLCaption = Our Co. - Online Help - Caption shown on the Client help menu.

RetainLogs = 7  The number of days to retain client side logs. Overrides default of 3 days.

LogLevel = 1 - 0 = Standard (default) 1 = Detailed 2 = Verbose logs. Verbose shows PREP and TRANSFER of each file separately. (Recommended: 0 or 1)

StealthMode = False Sets the Stealth mode on the client. Set this option to True to have the Endpoint run with no screens at all, including any startup screens. "False" - disables this option.

QuietMode = True Sets the "Hide Backup Progress Screen" option in the Endpoint. Setting this to True causes the Endpoint software to hide its progress screen, which normally displays during a backup session. Use this feature if you don't want to disturb users by popping a screen up if a backup is scheduled while they're using the computer. "False" disables this option.

VerifyEach =  True Sets the Transfer Verification option on the Endpoint to File-By-File Mode. "False"  sets it to At-End Mode. (Recommended: True)

UseSubfolders = True Enables the use of subfolder creation for the backup folders on the server. (Recommended: True)

SubfolderLimit = 5000 By default, the number of files that are stored in a backup folder on the server is limited to 10,000 files per folder. You can reduce this limit using these two registry options.

UseSubfolders = True and SubfolderLimit = 5000, for example, will set the limit on the backup folders to 5000 files per backup folder, after which it creates additional subfolders. Example: Consider a backup of 8000 files. Setting the above options, on the server under the Endpoint's root folder, you would see backup folders as follows: Folder /001 containing 5000 files, and \001A01- containing 3000 files.

BitBackupFolderLimit = 5000 (default, 5000 files are stored in each folder. If there are more than 5000 files in a session, it creates a sub-folder structure. The accepted value can be from 100 to 10,000 files.) If no key/value is set, the default value gets assigned.

BitMaxMemoryUsage = 16 - Specifies the max memory usage value for BitBackup generation in size of Megabytes. The minimal value is 2M. The BitMaxMemoryUsage value is set to 16M by default. If no key/value is set, the default value gets assigned. (Recommended: 16)

BitSpeedLevel = 4 - Specifies the speed level for patch generation. The valid range is from 0 to 8. (Default value is set to 4) If no key/value is set, the default value gets assigned. (Recommended: 4)

Priority = 1 for Low, 2 for Normal, 3 for High  (Sets theProcessing Priority for the client). This also controls the priority value for the patch generating thread. (for BitBackup) Values: Low, Normal and High (Recommended: 2)

Timeout = 60 Sets the Timeout value on the client. (In seconds). Default value is 60 Accepted value ranges from 60- 6000. (Recommended: 60)

StoreNameChars = 0 - This causes the Endpoint to retain a number of characters from the original file name. They will be placed at the beginning of the server side file name and have no effect on the system other than slightly reducing the overall maximum number of files that can be stored in a directory. If this value is too large, it may interfere with copying files to CD if it causes it to exceed the maximum file length. The directory path is part of this length so it can vary.

AltISPMethod = 0 - (legacy use only) Selects between two methods of accessing the RAS Dialup subsystem. Only "0" and "3" are valid. Method "3" MUST not be distributed to Windows 98 or ME clients. "3" however provides smoother access to non-standard isp's like AOL and MSN on Windows 2000 and XP platforms.

AllowLocal = 0 - AllowLocal controls Endpoint access to the "Copy to Disk" Function. Options are: 0, 1 or 2. 0 = Copy to disk is enabled. 1 Copy to disk requires user login with RBS Password, 2 = Copy to disk is disabled.

SaveCat = True Sends the catalog file to the server even if 0 files are qualified for backup. Setting the value to False, the catalog (backup.mdb) file is not transferred to the server. (Recommended: True)

SkipHidden = True/False. If True, will NOT backup Hidden files.

SkipSystem = True/False. If True, will NOT backup System Files. (Recommended: True)

SkipReadOnly = True/False. If True, will NOT backup Read-only files.

SkipTemporary = True/False. If True, will NOT backup Temporary Files. (Recommended: True)

ShowSchedule = True/False. Set this option to True to display upcoming backup schedules in a small window near the System Tray. Set it to False if you do not want to see the schedule.

SkipTempFiles = True/False. If True, will not backup any file whose extension is .tmp or .temp. (Recommended: True)

AdvancedMode = True/False. If True, opens the Endpoint in Advanced Interface mode. If False, opens in Simple Interface mode. (Recommended: False)

InstallService = YES/NO/ASK. YES will automatically install the Endpoint as a windows service without prompt. NO will automatically install the Endpoint as an application without prompt. ASK prompt the user to make a selection. ASK also enables the system tray menu option to Install/Uninstall from Services Mode.

InstallOFA = YES/NO/ASK. YES will automatically install Open Files Agent without prompt. (Recommended: YES) NO means do not install Open Files Agent. ASK will prompt the user to make a selection.

OverrideAS = True/False. Short for Override Auto-Select. If True, the auto-select filter will only apply to selected folders in a backup set. False, applies to the entire drive.

More Info: By default, AutoSelect scans all hard drives that are not specifically excluded by a Red X, beginning at the root of the drive and working its way through all folders. You can override this behavior and make AutoSelect scan only folders that are selected with a Green Checkmark. This will speed up the scanning process and limit file selection, at the expense of missing files that are not in the included folders. You may want to do this if your users will be backing up only files contained within certain folders, like My Documents. It could shorten backup times and lower the amount of storage space required. To override AutoSelect's default method of scanning all attached drives, and have it scan only folders marked with a green checkmark, set this registry key to True.

LogFolder = Path where the logs are stored on the Endpoint . Default is the application folder.

MaxSyncTransactions = 0 (default) means Unlimited. This registry key limits the number of Sync/Purge transactions per backup session. You can set this to a value, for example, 10000, which means the Endpoint will stop the sync routine after processing 10000 files. (Recommended: 0)

PauseMode = True/False. True turns on the Pause option in the Backup Progress window to pause the backup session. False, disables this option.

pfmenu = True/False (short forPrint Form Menu)  True, turns on the Print Disaster Recovery Info menu option under Help on the Endpoint. 

pfonly = True/False (short for Print Form ONLY) If True, does NOT prompt the user to create the key disk file. Only shows the print form. . (Recommended: False) 

RunSchedule = True/False. True enables the Endpoint to run scheduled backups. False, disables the schedule. (Recommended: True)

RestoreFolder = If the restore is redirected, the path is stored here.

RestoreStruct OBSOLETE

Trace = True/False. True, enables Trace mode logging. Trace logs are generally used for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. (Recommended: False)

ApplicationFolder = Endpoint Application/Installation Folder. (usually, C:\Program Files\Remote Backup)

AutoUpdate = True/False. True turns on the automatic Endpoint updates check. Refer to the RBSUPDATE, the Check for Updates utility section the server's manual for more information.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quantum Tech, Inc.\Remote Backup\Wizard]

RegUser = xxxxxxx

RegPass = xxxxxxxxxxxx

The encrypted username/password for the registration wizard.


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