Knowledgebase: Documentation
Quickstart Guide - Router Setup

QuickInfo Using the Port Forwarding feature on your router, forward your command port (usually 2774) and Data Ports for TCP traffic.

Use the Server Tester to test your port assignments.

If you have problems opening ports, we have a utility you can use to test them. Download the following utility to your RBS Server computer and run it. It will perform diagnostics on your RBS Server and your Internet, firewall, and router.

Repair Wizard for Server Diagnostics

The RBS Server requires that you open several ports through your firewall, and Port Forward them through your router (if you are using a router). 

All Endpoints first contact the Server on its Command Port, usually port 2774. You can define your Command Port to be any valid and unused port. For security reasons it is recommended that you use port 2774.

The Server then tells the Endpoint to call back on a different port number to send its data. Each Endpoint that calls in simultaneously will get a different Data Port number, and may attempt to use as many as five ports, depending on bandwidth availability. That way the Server can handle many simultaneous Endpoint .You can tell the Server to assign its Data Ports in a specific range using the TOOLS > PROPERTIES > RBS PREFERENCES screen of the RBS Manager. The default is 29001 - 29100

For maximum speed under most conditions the DATA PORT RANGE needs to have a range that includes 5 ports per simultaneous Endpoint, and 100 minimum.

The RBS Server comes preset with 100 ports by default. Open only that range of ports through your firewall. Reducing the number of available ports too much can result in slow transfer speeds. The port range you select here MUST exactly match the port range that you set up through Port Forwarding in your router.

Changing the Data Port range is a Server-side operation only. It is not necessary to redistribute Endpoint software if you change the Data Port range. However, it is necessary to redistribute Endpoint software if you change the Command Port.

Here is the list of ports used by the RBS Server. All are TCP.

2774 - Command Port, Inbound

2773 - Portal SMTP Port, Outbound

2772 - Server Sync Port, Bidirectional

80 - HTTP port for the Server's Web Console, Inbound

29001 - 20100 - Data Ports, Inbound

3495 - Server Locator, Outbound


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