Migrate RBS Server with SQL database

The most critical files on the server are the server's catalog file (could be a MS Access database or a SQL database) and of course, the backed-up data from the Endpoints. Please follow the steps below:

1) Make note of the Ports from RBS Server, Tools--Properties window. Stop the first server.

2) Make sure you maintain the same drive letters on the new machine. As an example, if the server software was installed on C:\ drive on the old one, install it on the same C:\ drive on the new machine. The same goes for the backed up data. Do not attempt to change the drive mapping for Endpoint backup data at the same time you are upgrading your Server.

3) Uninstall the RBS Server software from the first computer. It is EXTREMELY important that you uninstall the software from the first computer BEFORE attempting to install it on the new computer. The software WILL NOT install on the new computer unless it has been uninstalled from the first computer.

It is advisable to make a copy of RBS server folder to save all the predefined settings.

4) Download and install RBS Server on the new server from your Partners Portal account.

5) Go to SQL management studio (On the old server) and make a backup of the SQL database (RBS Server catalogue - "Database name - 'RBS' by default")

NOTE: Make sure the file extension is set to '.bak' in the SQL management studio.

6) Restore the RBS Server catalogue on the new server using SQL management studio.

7) Copy all the backup data (usually in C:\RBS and maybe other folders and drives) to the new machine, into identically-named drives and folders.

8) Copy all of your customized icons and configuration files onto the second computer.

9) Make sure the following ports are open on router:

Command port - As on RBS Server, Tools--Properties window

Data port range - As on RBS Server, Tools--Properties window

Server locator - 3495

Online server tester - 20001

Web Console Port - 80

Full Image Backup Port - 2773

Server Sync Port - 2772 (if you have multiple servers)

*All the above ports are TCP

10) Restart the RBS Server on the new machine.

11) Make sure you run the Server Tester from your Server's menu.

NOTE : Be aware that these steps only covers moving your data. You may have other issues if you also change your firewall, router, Internet connection or IP address.


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