Knowledgebase: General
Backups are being missed. Missed backup emails are sent.

The reason for Endpoints missing backups can be many, and virtually none are caused by a failure of the RBS software. If the RBS Endpoint Software contacts the Server and the backup does not finish, a Backup Failed email is generated. If the Endpoint software never contacts the Server at all, a Missed Backup email is generated.

The Endpoint log files can help diagnose these issues. When reporting errors like these to Tech Support, please include the logs by pressing the "Send Diagnostics" button in the Endpoint software.

If backups have been running OK and then suddenly they stop, something has changed between the last good backup and the first missed backup. Maybe a Windows update or a Virus update, maybe new equipment, maybe any of the items below.

Does this problem effect all or most of your Endpoints, or just a few? If it effects many or all Endpoints, look for problems with your Server, like in #12, #13, and #14 below.

Here are some reasons why the Endpoint software might not contact the Server.

1) Endpoint computer was turned off at the time of the backup. The customer might even be turning off the computer or its router at night. Check with the site Admin or the person responsible for locking up at night.

2) Endpoint's internet connection was down at the time of the backup. Check the Endpoint logs to see if the software ran, and if it recorded any errors.

3) Something interfered with the launch of the Endpoint software at the backup time (possibly automatic updates for Windows or virus protection software, or other backup software running at the same time, or some regular maintenance activity.)

4) The Endpoint's software firewall or other firewall or router or security device prevented the rbackup software from launching or from making an outbound connection to the RBS Server. (Do a Test connection from the Endpoint software to verify.) Check the Endpoint logs to see if the software ran, and if it recorded any errors.

5) The Endpoint's schedule was set up, and one backup done (which would send the schedule to the Server) and then prior to subsequent automated backups one or more of the Endpoint's or Server's settings were changed which now prevents the Endpoint software from contacting the Server on schedule. In this case the Server will be expecting the Endpoint to call in on its original schedule and will generate a Missed Backup warning.

Things to look for in case #5 above are: Changes to the Server's URL or IP address which were not also changed in the Endpoint software; changes to the Endpoint's username, password, account group, or Command Port on the Server which were not also changed at the Endpoint. Check the Endpoint logs to see if the software ran, and if it recorded any errors.

6) The Endpoint software is set to use its own built-in scheduler instead of the Windows Task Scheduler, and the computer running the Endpoint is failing to allow the Endpoint to run because it is logged off. In this case, change the Endpoint to use Windows Task Scheduler.

7) Security settings on the Endpoint computer are too strict. Check the permissions associated with the Endpoint software and its files. It needs to be able to read/write to its own application directory. Check the Endpoint logs to see if the software ran, and if it recorded any errors.

8) The Endpoint software has been manually uninstalled, deleted, or disabled without deleting the associated account on the RBS Server. This includes removing the shortcut to the RBackup application from the Startup Folder and disabling the Remote Backup Service (if running in Services Mode), and deleting or moving a system file that the RBackup Endpoint software depends on. Antivirus software can sometimes misidentify threats and quarantine files when it should not. Reinstall the Endpoint software (WITHOUT FIRST UNINSTALLING IT!!) and select the Repair option.

9) The RBackup Endpoint software is set to run more than one backup set per night, and the first backup set is so large that it requires the entire time allocated to the backup session by the Start Time and Backup Window, thus subsequent backup sets never run because the Backup Window time expires. Reduce the number of files backed up or change the backup schedule so the various backup sets run on different nights. Check the Endpoint logs to see if the software ran, and if it recorded any errors.

10) A normally unattended computer is waiting for a reboot after a software update, or has locked up or faulted somehow. Log into the Console to see what messages are on screen.

11) A router or switch connecting the computer to the Internet has failed, or a cable has come loose.

12) Was the Server's command port changed after creating installers and installing the Endpoint software? This will cause client software created before the command port was changed to fail to contact the Server, while Endpoint created AFTER the change will work. The Server's Command Port can be changed in Endpoint software after it has been installed through the Administrator's Override screen. See the Server's User Manaul for instructions.

13) The Server's router or firewall settings may have been changed. This would most likely effect ALL Endpoints, not just a few.

14) The Server's Data Port range may have been reduced too much. RBS recommends 3 data ports per expected simultaneous connection. So if you expect 50 Endpoints to call in all at the same time, open 150 data ports. Make sure the Data Port range defined in the RBS Server matches the range of ports opened through the firewall and router. This problem would probably show up as different Endpoints intermittently missing backups because the server can't accept enough simultaneous connections. Check data ports, make sure there are enough open.

Please remember that conditions during the daytime when you might be doing your installation and testing might be different from conditions at night time when the Endpoint's computer is under the control of an onsite Admin or other employee who might have set it to perform automated tasks, or any other setting that interferes with the RBackup Endpoint, and that this might have been done without your knowledge. Check with the site Admin or the employee responsible for the computer.


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