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How to Brand and Build an Endpoint Installer with the Partner's Portal
The Endpoint Branding and Customization Tool in the Partner’s Portal is a cloud-based alternative to the Customize Endpoint Installer tool that is a part of your RBS Server. PLEASE NOTE: We recommend using the Customize Endpoint Installer function built into your Server's Web Console (the Web Manager) instead of the one in the Partner's Portal. Use the tool in the Partner's Portal if you do not have the Web Manager installed. The Web Manager is free, and we recommend installing it on your RBS server. Go to and log in. Your Maintenance Subscription must be current. To log in you will need:
The first time you log into the Partner’s Portal your account will be populated with the latest RBackup Endpoint files. Whenever you build your Endpoint installers the Portal will use the very latest versions of all Endpoint files for your build. Every time you build your Endpoint installers the Portal saves them for you in a special Download Installers area, and assigns each one a download link that you can use to distribute them. The Portal saves every version you build, and does not over-write previous versions, even if they have identical names. If you want to delete older versions of your installers to save space in your account, you can do so in the Download Installers area. Each Portal Account gets two gigabytes of storage space at no charge. Select the Endpoint Customization menu choice. There are five tabs in this section. Fill out all the fields on all five tabs. You can go back and re-brand and re-customize your installers as many times as you like, so it’s OK to leave some fields at their defaults. You can change them later. When you are happy with your branding and defaults, select the Build Installer button at the bottom of the page. Select the type of installer(s) you want to build. Give your installers a name seven characters or less, like: jumbo or myfiles Select a name similar to your Product Name on the Branding tab. Do not use spaces, slashes, periods, or any character that is illegal in Windows filenames. Your Endpoint installers will be built and packaged as .EXE files, and placed in the “Download Installers” section. They are assigned names that indicate their type of installer. For example, the Server Edition will be named something like: jumbo-Ser.exe You can download your installers from the Build window, or you can download them from the “Download Installers” section. They are listed there, each with a version number, build time, size, comments, and a download link that you can distribute. The Portal always builds the latest Endpoint software available. CAUTION! RBackup Servers MUST have an equal or greater version number than their Endpoints. Upgrade your Server first! Servers will not accept connections from Endpoint software with greater version numbers.
Portal-Only Features For customizing and branding Endpoint installers, the Partner’s Portal has some new features available only in the cloud. Graphics Conversion Tool The Graphics Conversion Tool is a graphics converter for branding your RBackup Endpoint software. Upload any graphic, any size, any format, and it automatically converts it to the icons and graphics needed to brand your Endpoint software. This tool saves copies of your converted graphics for download as a single .ZIP file, and it can also copy your new graphics into your cloud-hosed Endpoint installer files. (Rebuild your installers to embed the new graphics.) Code Sign Your Installers The Portal can build your Endpoint installers and optionally code-sign them with a Symantec Class 3 Code Signing Certificate for secure, compliant Windows installations. Windows recognizes signed installers and displays fewer warning messages. Signed installers are guaranteed to be free of viruses. The Portal’s Code Signing Certificate is issued to “Online Holdings LLC.” If you prefer to use your own code signing certificate you can do so by downloading and signing your installers yourself using your own certificate. Hosting for Your Installers After you have branded, customized, and built your installers, the Portal will store them for you. You can distribute them by sending a link to your customers. Hosting for Your Endpoint Updates The Portal can host your Endpoint software updates and distribute them automatically to your customers when there is an update to the Endpoint software. To use this feature, select “Yes” and “Update from Portal” in the Automatic Upgrades section of the Options tab in the Endpoint Customization Tool. Whenever you build your Endpoint installer, the Portal automatically builds and hosts a file called upgrade.exe. This is the upgrade file for all Endpoint editions – Personal, Desktop, and Server. NOTE: For Automatic Updates to work, your existing distributed Endpoint software must have been built with Automatic Updates turned on. If your existing Endpoint software was not installed with Automatic Updates turned on, you must manually upgrade them with this feature turned ON for Automatic Updates to work in the future. When you want to distribute a new software update to your Endpoints, go to the Download Installers section, and turn ON “Upgrade All Clients.” The “Upgrade All Endpoints” control is turned OFF automatically whenever you build a new Endpoint version, to avoid distributing Endpoint software before you are ready. | |