Running Batch Files (Command Scripts) from RBackup Endpoint

The RBackup Endpoint can run batch files (command scripts) containing commands and applications before a backup starts, and after a backup ends. 



The above command scripts run globally - before and after every backup set.

You can also specify command scripts to run on a per-backup set basis by naming the command scripts differently, as follows:

Name the command scripts pre-[backup_set_name].bat and post-[backup_set_name].bat. [backup_set_name] is the name of the backup set you want to trigger these script files.

For example, the command script named "pre-daily_incremental.bat" will execute whenever the backup set named "daily_incremental" runs.

You can write these command scripts yourself and include them in the root directory of your Endpoint installers. The RBackup installer will copy them if found in your installer file set.

Examples of what you might do with these two command scripts:


  • Copy files from other hard drives so they can be backed up.
  • Add additional encryption or compression.
  • Process files before backup.


  • Shut down applications like SQL Server or Exchange then restart the applications after the backup is done.

    Command scripts can be simple or complex, and are sometimes called "batch files." There is a programing language specific to them. Do a web search for "batch files" or "batch file syntax" to find references about writing your command scripts.

    We're sorry, Remote Backup Systems cannot help you design or debug your command scripts.

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