Knowledgebase: RBS Server
How to move endpoint backups from one server-side drive to another

Sometimes it becomes necessary to move one or more of your endpoints' backup files to a new drive on your RBS Server. This is the recommended procedure.

First intall the new drive and map it to a drive letter.

If you are going to change the Root Directory of the server so all new endpoints go to the new drive, SEE THIS ARTICLE after you have performed the tasks on this page.

Use the RBS Manager (console application) for this.

Start the RBS Manager.

Click the Accounts button.

Double-click the account you want to move.

Change the "Root Directory" to the drive and folder you want to use. By default RBackup will append the account name to the new directory. It is best NOT to override this selection, and to maintain the "\RBS\" folder structure, with all your accounts within the \RBS\ directory on each drive.

During this procedure it is possible to "lose" the customer's data by accidentally moving it to the wrong location. Fortunately this is an easy fix. The easiest way is to avoid this problem altogether. Here's an example.

Suppose you have Rob's data in the folder C:\RBS\ROB\ and you want to move it to F:\RBS\ROB\

Just replace the "C" with an "F" and hit the Save button.

The software will ask if you wish to move this folder and its contents to the new location.

Select Yes to move the data to the new location AND make sure all future backups for this customer will go to the new location.

Select No to leave the data where it is, but put all new backups from this customer in the new location. (this is rarely done.)

The Server will move the data from one drive to another, and then it will update its database so all future backups from this customer go to the new location.

You can do this for every endpoint you have if you want to move them all. You must move them individually.

NOTE: This effects only this customer.


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